Court is held every Tuesday for Lower Township. Wildwood Crest Court is held on the first and third Fridays of the month. The Court has staggered times depending on the nature of a case.
If you have a warrant from Lower Township or Wildwood Crest Courts, please call and ask to be placed on the docket to safely turn yourself in to the Judge during the court session.
Lower Township & Wildwood Crest Courts participate in mediation services provided by Cape Mediation Service. Mediation is held on the last Thursday of each month at 9am.
Mediation is a structured, non-adversarial process that allows a neutral third party to assist disputing parties in reaching a mutually acceptable solution. The mediation process can be a less expensive, informal and a more meaningful alternative to the traditional trial process, largely because of the efforts of trained volunteers and the resolution being decided by the participants. As a neutral party, a mediator helps court users discuss the issues of their case and explore options to resolve the dispute themselves.
The typical types of cases handled include, but are not limited to: harassment, neighbor disputes, trespassing, animal or pet complaints and criminal mischief.
The Court will decide what cases are eligible for mediation.
If your NJ Driver's License is suspended out of Lower Township Court or Wildwood Crest, please contact the Court for further information.
If you are falling behind on your fines, always contact the Court. The Court does not want to see you fail! The Court will work with you to get you back on track.
You may request to speak to the Judge about payment alternatives. The Judge may order any relief permitted by law instead of payment including:
When in doubt, call the Court!
If you wish to plead not guilty, you must notify the Court at least seven (7) days prior to the court date listed on the front of your ticket.
If you fail to notify the Court in advance, it may be necessary for you to make more than one court appearance.
You may also check to see if you are eligible to dispute your ticket online at*/!STANDARD?AppName=NJMC
The New Jersey Judiciary's American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy ensures that it's court's, programs, services and activities are accessible to all members of the community and prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
Court users with disabilities who seek to participate in the court's proceedings may contact the court. The Court will provide court users with disabilities effective accommodations to give them an equal opportunity to participate.
If you face charges which carry penalties with a consequence of magnitude, e.g., fines of more than $800.00, jail time, license and/or registration suspension, and you are unable to afford an attorney, you may apply for a public defender.
An application for a public defender shall be completed. The Judge will review your application and determine if you are eligible.
If a public defender is appointed to represent you, the court may assess an application fee up to $200.00. If the Judge appoints the public defender, the court will then provide you with instructions for contacting the public defender.
Most court hearings are held virtually via ZOOM which is accessible through a smart phone or a computer with microphone and camera capabilities.
You may also contact the court staff and see if you qualify to plea by mail or utilize Online Dispute Resolution.
If you qualify, the staff will send you a form or one is available to download on our FORMS page. Staff can also guide you through the Online Dispute Resolution process.
You can do a case search of your municipal records online.
Alternately, a "Records Request Form" is available on our FORMS page. You can email, fax or mail this form to the Court.
Please be clear in Section D of the form on what you are looking for.
If you require the assistance of an interpreter, the Municipal Court will provide one to you at no cost. Please notify court staff immediately if you need a foreign language or sign language interpreter.
Be sure to include in your notification any special language dialect required.
If you have not advised the court in advance, your matter may need to be rescheduled.
In Atlantic and Cape May Counties, the Veterans Assistance Project (VAP) is a voluntary referral service for veterans who come in contact with the court system who may be in need of veterans services from their local Veterans Service Office. The goal is to get services and support to improve the quality of life for the men, women and families who have made sacrifices in the defense of the United States. Available services can include mental health counseling, addiction services, legal services and housing.
Also available to qualifying individuals is the Veteran's Diversion Program. The Veterans Diversion Program is a statewide program for eligible service members who are charged with certain offenses in the Superior Court or the Municipal Court and who suffer from mental illness. The Prosecutor decides who is admitted into the program. An eligible service member is a veteran, enlisted person or officer of the U.S. Armed Forces. This includes members of the reserves and the New Jersey National Guard.
For more information, please click on the link below. You will be able to download a flyer for the Veteran's Assistance Program (VAP) and/or the Veteran's Diversion Program.
If you have been found guilty and have been sentenced by a Municipal Court Judge and you want to appeal, then this packet will show you how.
Some reasons to file an appeal are:
1. You believe the facts do not support the Judge’s decision; or
2. You believe the Judge’s decision does not follow the law.
The Municipal Court must receive your Notice of Municipal Court Appeal form within 20 days (including weekends and holidays) from the date you were found guilty (see Steps 1 and 3 on page 3).
There is a $100 filing fee plus a transcript fee which you must pay in advance. Both of these fees are non-refundable (see Steps 2 and 6).
If you were represented by a court appointed attorney in your Municipal Court proceeding, please consult with that person prior to filing your appeal. The assigned counsel can help you file your appeal.
An expungement is the removal and isolation of all records on file within any court, detention or correctional facility, law enforcement, criminal justice agency or juvenile justice agency concerning a person's apprehension, arrest, detention, trial or disposition of an offense within the criminal or juvenile justice system. Unless otherwise provided by law, if an order for expungement is granted, the adult arrest, the record of law enforcement taking you into custody as a juvenile, conviction, adjudication of delinquency, disposition and any related proceedings are considered not to have occurred. See the section on Comparison of Adult and Juvenile Terms for a glossary of terms that are specific to juvenile court.
The New Jersey expungement law states in detail who is eligible for an expungement. You should review the current applicable provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:52-1 through N.J.S.A. 2C:52-32 to determine if you are eligible. Alternately, you can fill out and submit an "Expungement Eligibility Form" to see if you are eligible.
If eligible, you may file your petition and other documents online. Please click on the "Expungements" button below to access the system.
Please visit our FORMS page for an "Online Expungement Guide" should you need guidance using the online system.
N.J.S.A. 2C:52-6 provides for an expedited expungement, without the assessment
of a fee, of all information relating to an arrest or charge for a crime, disorderly persons
offense, petty disorderly persons offense, or ordinance violation where that charge(s) has
been adjudicated by way of a dismissal, acquittal, or was discharged without a finding of
guilt. This relief is not available in cases where the disposition was based on a plea
agreement involving the conviction of another charge.
As of June 15, 2020, defendants are no longer required to seek an expedited expungement. Rather, pursuant to new legislation, the court, when dismissing the charge or acquitting the
defendant shall order eligible matters expunged. Thus, the court, not the defendant,
is now responsible for identifying matters eligible for an expedited expungement.